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venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025

Dinka contro Nuer, Sud Sudan nel caos: rischio nuova guerra civile

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 11 marzo...

Il Congo-K offre a Trump le sue miniere in cambio dell’aiuto contro i ribelli

Speciale per Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi 10 marzo...

Attacchi di Trump al Lesotho: “Lì finanziamo gay e lesbiche. Ma dove sta ‘sto Paese?”

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 8 marzo...
venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025

Tag: south

Sudafrica: “Uccideremo tutti i bianchi, i figli, le donne e anche i loro animali”

Speciale per Africa Express Franco Nofori Torino, 16 dicembre 2018 L’allucinante delirio di Andile Mngxitama, leader del partito socialista rivoluzionario del Sudafrica, si scatena contro i cittadini...

Pregnant and homeless: South Sudan’s women refugees

Special for IRIN Sally Nyakaniyanga Adjumani, Uganda,  30th September 2016 Josephine Maziku arrived at Uganda’s Nyumanzi Transit Centre in June this year six months pregnant and with...

“There is no more Peace Agreement to Implement in Juba”

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Juba, 5th August 2016 On 8th July 2016, for the second time in less than three years, the compound occupied by First Vice President Rieck Machar has been attacked...

If We Leave We Are Killed: Lessons Learned from South Sudan Protection of Civilian Sites

International Organization for Migration South Sudan, May 5th 2016 In December of 2013, violent clashes erupted across South Sudan, displacing nearly 2.4 million people. Fearing for...

South Sudan, when an agreement is not an agreement

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Juba, 17th  August 2015 It is finally the 17th of August 2015 and both President Salva Kiir and former Vice President...

South Sudan’s Bentiu camp still a draw for IDPs

IRIN Bentiu, 24 September 2014 The 47,000 people who have fled to the UN base in Bentiu, South Sudan, lack most things. In some parts of...

Ebola and “the perfect storm”

Ebola and "the perfect storm" IRIN London, 24 September 2014 The new figures from the World Health Organization's (WHO) Ebola Response Team are sobering. If cases in...

South Sudan, many pasts, no solutions? Is the international community helping or hindering?

Special for Africa ExPress Ferdinand von Habsburg-Lothringen* Juba, 13th April 2014 The storm clouds have gathered – this was the feeling, as the first major political rumbles...

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