16.6 C
domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Ondata di omicidi senza precedenti sconvolge il Sudafrica

Dal Nostro Inviato Speciale Elena Gazzano Città del Capo,...

La guerra infinita del Sudan: da oltre un anno la gente muore sotto le bombe e di fame

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 6 settembre...

Uganda: Bobi Wine, oppositore del regime, lascia l’ospedale dopo assalto della polizia

Africa ExPress 5 settembre 2024 Robert Kyagulanyi, in arte...

Tag: Makeda Saba

Free immediately the journalists who languish in Eritrean prisons since 2001

From our Correspondent Makeda Saba Somwhere in Eritrea, 4th November 2020 In Eritrea in 2001, members of the only political party the People's Front of Democracy and...

The International Community is Searching the Solution to stop the war in South Sudan

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Juba, 12th July 2016 On  Monday 11th July 2016, in view of the deteriorating situation in South Sudan and in particular in...

Human Rights Day, Eritrea cannot celebrate rights and freedom

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Makeda Saba 10 December 2015 “Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of...

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