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giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025

Dinka contro Nuer, Sud Sudan nel caos: rischio nuova guerra civile

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 11 marzo...

Il Congo-K offre a Trump le sue miniere in cambio dell’aiuto contro i ribelli

Speciale per Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi 10 marzo...

Attacchi di Trump al Lesotho: “Lì finanziamo gay e lesbiche. Ma dove sta ‘sto Paese?”

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 8 marzo...
giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025

Tag: Makeda

“Wake up president Afeworki and stop the the killing field in Eritrea”

This is an open letter written by some Eritreans that want to be undisclosed. They are afraid of the dictatorial repression of the regime. Our correspondent...

Il viaggio di Afworki in Etiopia ignora le violazioni dei diritti umani in Eritrea

Dal Nostro Corrispondente Saba Makeda Da qualche parte in Eritrea, 22 ottobre 2020 Dal 12 al 15 ottobre 2020, il presidente Isaias Afworki è stato in visita...

The Afworki trip to Ethiopia ignores human rights abuses in Eritrea

From our Correspondent Saba Makeda Somewhere in Eritrea, 21 ottobre 2020 From the 12th to 15th of October 2020, President Isaias Afworki was on an official visit...

Europe Finances Roads Reconstruction but Eritrea still Uses Forced Labor

Special for Africa ExPress Makeda Saba Somewhere inside Eritrea, 5 March 2020 On 18 February 2020 during the EU parliamentary session, the EU Committee on Development (DEVE),...

The revival of Ethiopian Navy, the Horn of Africa, the Red Sea, Regional power dynamics

Special for Africa ExPress Makeda Saba 24 January 2020 The modern Ethiopian Navy was established by Emperor Haile Selassie, with the assistance of the United Kingdon, in...

Eritrea Ethiopia peace process must involve the people – We must speak out

Special for Africa Express Saba Makeda Somewhere inside Eritrea, 18th September 2018 The Ethiopia/Eritrea peace process that started on 05 June 2018 when the: “Ethiopian Governing Coalition announced...

DOSSIER/Inferno Eritrea, diciassette anni fa cominciava la più dura repressione del mondo

Africa ExPress 18 settembre 2018 Il 18 settembre 2001 con l’arresto di 15 dirigenti del Fronte di liberazione, cominciava la dura repressione in Eritrea. Anche oggi che...

Hypocrisies: Eritrean dictatorship supports the Ethiopian struggle for democracy

Special for Africa Express Saba Makeda Somewhere inside Eritrea, 31st October 2016 During the UN meeting in New York, Mr Yemane Gebreab – special advisor for the...

South Sudan crack Down On Civil Society

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Juba, 6th September 2016 Civil Society in South Sudan has a long history of participation in the struggles of the Nation....

“There is no more Peace Agreement to Implement in Juba”

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Juba, 5th August 2016 On 8th July 2016, for the second time in less than three years, the compound occupied by First Vice President Rieck Machar has been attacked...

Eritrea: Sunday morning coming down

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Somewhere in Eritrea, 5th July 2016 Sunday morning June 12, 2016. Eritrea and Ethiopia are fighting on the border in Tsorona....

Happy Birthday Eritrea. Independence without freedom is nothing

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Somewhere in Eritrea, 24th November 2015 On this day as we celebrate 25 years of independence let us also strike a...

Eritrea, the old nakfa vs new nakfa

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Somewhere in Eritrea, 7 th November 2015 This week the Eritrean Government has issued legal notice 124/2015 Legal Tender Nakfa Currency...

South Sudan, when an agreement is not an agreement

Africa ExPress Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Juba, 17th  August 2015 It is finally the 17th of August 2015 and both President Salva Kiir and former Vice President...

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