Speciale per Africa ExPress
Emanuela Provera
27 luglio 2020
Il coronavirus è pericoloso e uccide anche in Uganda, un’area geografica che molti pensavano isolata e diversa dal...
Da Radio Bullets (www.radiobullets.com/)
Barbara Schiavulli
24 luglio 2o20
Sabrina Prioli è una cooperante italiana, brutalmente aggredita nel 2016 in Sudan del Sud, durante l’attacco di decine...
Speciale per Afeica ExPress
Cornelia I. Toelgyes
21 luglio 2020
I giudici del Tribunale di Lilongwe, la capitale del Malawi, hanno inflitto pene severe a nove membri...
Dal Nostro Corrispondente Sportivo
Costantino Muscau
17 luglio 2020
"Gli uomini non cambiano…Ti uccidono. Amore, gli uomini che cambiano sono quasi un ideale che non c'è". Chissà se...
Special for Africa ExPress
Cornelia I. Toelgyes
3 July 2020
A young man died last tuesday in Sudan, others were injured during demonstrations that took place simultaneously...
Speciale per Africa ExPress
Massimo A. Alberizzi e Monica A. Mistretta
Riccione, 4 luglio 2020
(English version in here)
I voli della compagnia Iran Air che atterravano all’aeroporto...
Special for Africa ExPress
Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta
Riccione, 4 July 2020
(Versione italiana)
The flights of the Iran Air company that landed at the...
Last March, the international naval warfare systems fair was held in Doha. The Italian stand was one of the largest and most attended: on display were the latest technological developments of our military-industrial complex.
Editorial Special for Africa ExPress
Renzo Cianfanelli *
New York, June 7 2020
La versione italiana di questo articolo la trovate qui
The United States under the aggressive...
Editoriale Speciale per Africa ExPress
Renzo Cianfanelli *
New York, 7 giugno 2020
This article in English here
Gli Stati Uniti sotto la guida aggressiva e divisiva di...
Everyone talks about Silvia's personal things, rumors that are the background noise to a story, that of her kidnapping in Somalia, whose contours go far beyond the (questionable) sphere of gossip. While we are distracted by media cabaret news, five Iranian oil tankers are about to reach the shores of Venezuela. What do they have to do with Silvia? Her affair has become intertwined with something greater than her
In Italy the crime of plagiarism no longer exists. But plagiarism is not exclusive to Muslim groups. Christians also exert psychological pressure to persuade people to convert
The first article in the dossier on the liberation of Silvia Romano, annexed international intrigues,
on the unexplained delays and unequivocal silences is available here. Now...
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