22.9 C
domenica, Dicembre 22, 2024

La pace può attendere: bloccati colloqui tra Congo-K e Ruanda

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 21 dicembre...

Il piano espansionista di Netanyahu vaneggia un Grande Israele

Dalla Nostra Inviata Speciale EDITORIALE Federica Iezzi Gaza City, 20...

La guerra in Ucraina non dipende solo dall’invasione russa

Speciale Per Africa ExPress Raffaello Morelli Livorno, 12 dicembre...
Home ©Paul Lowe/Panos Pictures Kibeho Camp RWANDA 22/4/1995 Survivors from the shootings and subsequent maccacre look on at a pile of bodies. Over 4000 Hutus were killed during an operation by the Tutsi Rwandan army to clear the Kibeho refugee camp. The trag ©Paul Lowe/Panos Pictures Kibeho Camp RWANDA 22/4/1995 Survivors from the shootings and subsequent maccacre look on at a pile of bodies. Over 4000 Hutus were killed during an operation by the Tutsi Rwandan army to clear the Kibeho refugee camp. The trag

©Paul Lowe/Panos Pictures Kibeho Camp RWANDA 22/4/1995 Survivors from the shootings and subsequent maccacre look on at a pile of bodies. Over 4000 Hutus were killed during an operation by the Tutsi Rwandan army to clear the Kibeho refugee camp. The trag

Kibeho (Ruanda). Uno dei raccapriccianti massacri compiuti contro l’etnia tutsi

a, R91-Charles-de-Gaulle-09