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domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

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Home Iran-ospedale Iran-ospedale


Un’ispettrice del ministero della Salute visita un ospedale di emergenza organizzato in uno dei centri commerciali più grandi del mondo a Teheran, il 21 marzo scorso [courtesy Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA/EFE]

An Iranian woman health inspector checks a temporary established emergency hospital in a part of the world’s largest shopping mall complex called ‘Iran Mall’, to treat patients infected with the COVID-19 disease, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in northwest of the capital of Tehran, Iran, 21 March 2020. [cgAn Iranian woman health inspector checks a temporary established emergency hospital in a part of the world’s largest shopping mall complex called ‘Iran Mall’, to treat patients infected with the COVID-19 disease, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, in northwest of the capital of Tehran, Iran, 21 March 2020. [Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA/EFE]

Coronavirus in Iran