Raila contesta il risultato delle elezioni in Kenya: “Brogli informatici”


Dal Nostro Inviato Speciale
Massimo A. Alberizzi
Nairobi 9 agosto 2017

2017-08-07-io e Raila tagliata 2
Raila Odinga e Massimo Alberizzi sabato scorso al termine di una breve intervista

Mentre alla commissione elettorale indipendente si stavano contando i voti e il risultato parziale vedeva il presidente uscente in consistente vantaggio, Raila Odinga ha convocato una conferenza stampa e annunciato che non riconosce il risultato visitato, secondo lui di brogli informatici. Si apre ora in Kenya un crisi politica che può avere conseguenze nefaste per il Paese. La tensione sale e c’è il rischio che i sostenitori di Raila convinti di essere stati defraudati facciano ricorso alla violenza per protesta.

Qui sotto il documento diffuso a tarda notte dal NASA (National Super Alliance) la coalizione dei partiti che sostiene Raila Odinga e Kalonzo Musica.

Massimo A. Alberizzi
twitter @malberizzi


The NASA coalition is concerned about the fact that the IEBC has been streaming results from around the country which are not supported by Form 34A as is strictly required by the law.

To resolve this issue, the NASA coalition has held a meeting with the IEBC during which the IEBC acknowledged the fact that the results as displayed are based only on keyed in results that are not supported by any evidence of the tally of votes. A clean credible process would by now have a dashboard showing all tallies from all constituencies to add to a sum total so that country can know which part of the country has been counted and what the votes are.

What is going on right now is a sham and a total disregard of Section 39 of the Elections Act which requires the IEBC to stream all Form 34s on the public portal. As we stand, not a single Form 34 has been streamed. What we are getting are text results that are not provided for under section 39. The Form 34s are not supposed to come after the results. They are supposed to accompany the results.

One hour ago, the commissioners called for a meeting of all parties where these matters were raised. The IEBC ICT consultants disclosed that it would take 8 hours to open email accounts for parties to be able to receive Form 34As. In the meantime, the inaccurate and illegal text results keep streaming. The system has failed, it is the machine voting.

IEBC has just said that no parties have disputed the results. How do parties dispute results which they do not even know their origins? Only Form 34 A discloses the origins of results.

We therefore reject all the results streamed so far and demand that the IEBC produces Form 34As from all the polling stations before any further results are announced.

Nairobi 9th August 2017, 1.00 a.m.


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