16.4 C
sabato, Dicembre 21, 2024

Il piano espansionista di Netanyahu vaneggia un Grande Israele

Dalla Nostra Inviata Speciale EDITORIALE Federica Iezzi Gaza City, 20...

La guerra in Ucraina non dipende solo dall’invasione russa

Speciale Per Africa ExPress Raffaello Morelli Livorno, 12 dicembre...

Benin, pannelli solari a gogo rendono energicamente indipendente la nuova avveniristica struttura sanitaria

Africa ExPress Cotonou, 18 dicembre 2024 Dall’inizio di settembre...
Home After the Seleka After the Seleka

After the Seleka

Christian Anti Balaka attack muslim property in PK 13 on the outskirts of Bangui after the Muslim Seleka government fell and the Muslims in the area have fled. The Christian community is taking revenge for the months of harsh Muslim Seleka rule, trying to destroy and loot everything in the Muslim districts. There are very few Muslims left in Bangui and even fewer in the outlying towns northwest of Bangui as the Christian population target all muslim communities, killing, burning and looting.

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